Friday, August 7, 2009

It's been awhile...

So it has been awhile since I last updated my blog! Not too much has been going on here in the High household. Summer is starting to come to an end and we are running around getting things ready for school to start! Can't wait. I am going back to school this year and am very excited to finish what I started so many years ago. Better late then never right?

So what have we done with our summer? Allen and I drove to Oklahoma and then to Colorado to visit my Aunt Debbie and my mom came down to see us there! It was a great visit with both of them! I miss and love them so much! That was at the end of May beginning of June. At the end of June Allen and I went camping in South Carolina for our anniversary! Yay! 3 years! It seems a lot longer then that! But in a totally good way! Then in July we took the girls, his dad and one of his dad's friends camping to the same spot! That was a lot of fun as well. I will have to add some pics! We had a great 4th of july at the lake with some friends. Super fun summer. And in between all that we have worked and gone swimming at the pool here.

I miss all my friends and family back home that I haven't been able to see in such a long time. I know I need to do a better job of keeping in contact with all of you! Sorry!! I really do have good intentions tho! Promise! I think about you all all the time!


  1. Hey there!!!! Looks like you've had a nice summer. Great pics! Hope all is well with you & yours.

  2. What a fun collection of pictures!! :) Glad the summer's been good & hope school goes great!
